Recruitment Hurdles
Overcoming today’s Recruitment Hurdles
As unemployment decreases employers are increasingly looking for ways in which to reduce their risks and costs – especially in the area of recruitment. This has lead to an increase in the number of companies utilizing additional recruitment tools outside of the standard ‘gut reaction interview’
When looking for a new role it is likely you will encounter some or all of the following selection methods in addition to the traditional interview.
Technical Assessment
Most commonly this takes the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire. These are usually designed to assess the level of applicant’s technical knowledge. In addition some tests may include case studies or in-tray exercises.
Personality Profiling (Psychometrics)
Each question takes the form of a series of statements on which you are asked to agree or disagree, or alternatively which best and worst describes you. There is really only one way to complete these questionnaires and that is honestly. Watch for questions being asked twice. This technique is devised to identify the differences between how you perceive yourself and how you would like other to see you. Very few people are dropped from the interview process due to how they performed in their personality profiling; it is mainly used as an interview tool.
Behavioural Profiling
This technique is fast becoming one of the most utilized assessment methods, especially amongst larger blue chip companies. It is designed to be much more situational and is seen by many recruiters as more reliable than personality profiling. By putting individuals into a working situation it provides a stronger indication of how they will react to the role, the environment and the external pressures of colleagues and management. This type of approach is often used at 2nd interview stage.
Role Plays/Presentations
These can be extremely daunting; however you will be forewarned and generally given plenty of time to prepare. Role plays are held to allow you to demonstrate your communications skills. Employers will be looking for candidate’s ability to articulate, listen and take on board responses and adapt accordingly. Sales ability and objection will normally also be tested at this stage.
After all or some of the above, you could be forgiven for thinking that the interview will be the easy part. It may well be the easy part; however it is vital to securing the role. The main areas people let themselves down on at interview are a lack of preparation and over confidence. Know the company you are meeting and the role for which you are being interviewed. Often an interviewers first question will “What do you know about us” an easy opportunity to make a good impression but also an easy opportunity to score an own goal at kick off! If asked a question make sure you can support the answer you give with evidence. It is not enough to tell your interviewers that you have a great sales track record you need to take along league tables, bonus statements, and letters of praise from managers or clients, anything that supports what you are saying and shows you in a favourable light. Often the questions that can floor you are the ones in which you are asked to recount a situation, i.e. your best sales success, a difficult customer or complicated case. Don’t be caught on the back foot – prepare for possible questions and rehearse your answers.
There is one other golden rule to keep in mind at interview – tell them how much you want to work for they company and why you would be successful in the role for which you are applying. Even if after 10 minutes you are not sure you want that role in that company, better to get the offer and decline it than switch off in interview and be turned down. After all they may have other more suitable roles or the person interviewing could move jobs and end up interviewing in the future for a job that you really do want!