candidate charter
We have designed a candidate charter that we hope will reassure you that we don’t just settle for finding you the right career opportunity – we want to develop a professional relationship with you as an individual, which will offer mutual benefits in the long term.
Our commitments as your recruitment partner
To treat you as we would wish to be treated – as an individual and with respect.
To deal with you in a professional, courteous, polite, responsive, proactive, respectful and knowledgeable manner at all times
To provide value added advice regarding career options
To offer constructive advice and guidance on your CV and interview preparation
To provide valuable market knowledge and an open, honest assessment of your experience and aspirations against the market
To treat your CV information in the strictest confidence
To request your permission before being proactive on your behalf
To offer detailed feedback after interviews with clients
To offer outplacement and career counselling consultancy
To return your emails/telephone calls the same day
To be available out of normal working hours to discuss any aspect of an assignment
To make meetings at short notice
To respond to you within 24 hours of receiving your CV
To fully interview and brief you prior to arranging interviews with a client